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Silver Linings

By Brian Buethe, President | CEO, Grimes Chamber & Economic Development

June Newsletter Article

There is no sugarcoating it; this year has been stressful for just about everyone. The introduction and evolution of information surrounding the pandemic has been unrelenting. Our local business community has had to adapt in ways they could never have imagined. Nevertheless, the resiliency of Iowans has shown through, and is one of the great silver linings that often becomes most noticeable when faces with tough challenges.


Good communities rally when faced with adversity. It is not a surprise that a great community like Grimes has witnessed so many examples of admirable citizenship, corporate and otherwise, in recent months. The examples are numerous. People seem to have become more outwardly grateful to those who provide important services to society. We have seen public displays of gratitude for store clerks, medical professionals, truck drivers, teachers, first responders, factory workers, farmers, IT professionals, restauranteurs, etc.  Many people and businesses learned that they indeed are “essential”.


People recognized and reacted with love, compassion and support for their neighbors and area organizations serving the needs of the community. The staff and the residents of Kennybrook Village have been showered with love and appreciation. Local churches have adapted to new technologies to continue providing congregations virtual opportunities to stay connected. There have been birthday and teacher parades, donated facemasks, fundraisers for the Grimes Storehouse, virtual neighborhood gatherings, and so many other good examples.


Area financial institutions rose to the occasion when faced with the challenge of helping in the administration of the largest financial stimulus package in the history of our nation. Among states, Iowa received the 6th highest percentage of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans approved. That is a testament to the great quality of our community-based banks.


Finally, we witnessed and are thankful to so many in the community who went above and beyond to support local businesses. The examples are too numerous to mention, but for an organization that represents hundreds of area businesses, it was heartwarming. We consider these businesses our friends. Many of our friends are struggling, so your ongoing support is important and very much appreciated.


As we move forward, please continue to let your light shine for this community.  While it is wholly unfortunate, the story of COVID-19 is still being written. Let us continue doing what we can to make the best of a bad situation. #LoveGrimes

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