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GCED Blogs

Bad Things Are Going To Happen

By Madison Taiber | January 7, 2021 | Comments Off on Bad Things Are Going To Happen

By Brian Buethe, President | CEO, Grimes Chamber & Economic Development, January 2021 Newsletter Article Grimes, Iowa is an awesome, growing community. While growth is occurring in our community for a number of reasons, one of the explanations is that this is a city that has a very real community feel. People seem to genuinely care…

Peace Be With You

By Madison Taiber | January 7, 2021 | Comments Off on Peace Be With You

By Brian Buethe, President | CEO, Grimes Chamber & Economic Development, December Newsletter Article The holiday season is filled with emotions every year. The emotions vary with every individual’s personality and circumstance and our emotions evolve with the season. One day we are thankful; grateful for all we have. The next moment may include frustration that we…

Choose Positivity

By Madison Taiber | November 10, 2020 | Comments Off on Choose Positivity

by Ben Butzke, 2020 GCED Board Chair, Grimes Chamber & Economic Development November Newsletter Article As I am writing this article the election is still in process, but we have seen one common theme locally and nationally. Americans, Iowans and Grimes residents showed up at the polls in record numbers one way or another. A…

The Fourth Quarter

By Madison Taiber | October 16, 2020 | Comments Off on The Fourth Quarter

by Brian Buethe, President | CEO, Grimes Chamber & Economic Development October Newsletter Article Most people, whether a fan of football or not, know that there are four quarters in a football game. For those of you that watch football, you will often see the players raising their hands at the end of the third quarter…

Adapting & Overcoming

By Madison Taiber | October 16, 2020 | Comments Off on Adapting & Overcoming

by Brian Buethe, President | CEO, Grimes Chamber & Economic Development September Newsletter Article It has become a bit challenging to manage an organization that has historically made great effort to bring people together in the era of COVID-19. Grimes Chamber & Economic Development has the great privilege of representing over 300 dues paying businesses and…

Encouraging Kindness & Support

By Madison Taiber | August 24, 2020 | Comments Off on Encouraging Kindness & Support

By Brian Buethe, President | CEO, Grimes Chamber & Economic Development August Newsletter Article As 2020 progresses, time feels like it has been standing still. Yet, our world keeps spinning. The start of school is right around the corner with kids and teachers eager to get back to learning, however that may look. Fall sports will be…

Bolstering Momentum

By Madison Taiber | July 6, 2020 | Comments Off on Bolstering Momentum

By Brian Buethe, President | CEO, Grimes Chamber & Economic Development July Newsletter Article As a Chamber of Commerce, it is hard to pen an article that fails to address the very tiresome elephant in the room. COVID-19 has been a gut punch to the world. In the worst cases, lives and livelihoods have been lost. The threat…

Silver Linings

By Madison Taiber | June 9, 2020 | Comments Off on Silver Linings

By Brian Buethe, President | CEO, Grimes Chamber & Economic Development June Newsletter Article There is no sugarcoating it; this year has been stressful for just about everyone. The introduction and evolution of information surrounding the pandemic has been unrelenting. Our local business community has had to adapt in ways they could never have imagined. Nevertheless, the resiliency…

Missing One Another

By Madison Taiber | May 14, 2020 | Comments Off on Missing One Another

by Ben Butzke, 2020 Board Chair, Grimes Chamber & Economic Development May Newsletter Article Getting tired of Zoom, Teams and every other virtual meeting platform yet? Me too, but not because they aren’t great tools for conducting business and seeing friends and family. These meetings are driving me crazy because I miss our traditional Lunch…

Pain & Inspiration

By Madison Taiber | April 6, 2020 | Comments Off on Pain & Inspiration

by Brian Buethe, President | CEO, Grimes Chamber & Economic Development April Newsletter Article I start almost every day by checking the news. It’s been a part of my routine for years, because in my line of work, it is important to know what is happening in the local community and around the world. I expect that…



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